Back to agenda CEOs Leadership Summit The decarbonization challenge Tue 13 Feb | 10:40 - 11:20 Main Auditorium BP Premium VIP Pass The challenge of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 through sustainable mobility necessitates a shift from fossil fuels to sustainable alternatives. The objective is essential for reducing environmental impact and promoting low-emission options such as electric vehicles and public transportation, as is developing supporting infrastructure. Reducing emissions from current transportation methods involves enhancing vehicle efficiency through advanced technologies and alternative fuels, as well as promoting responsible sourcing of mineral in electric vehicles and batteries, such as nickel, lithium, cobalt, or zinc among others on 4-30% on Europe’s domestic mining supplies. Additionally, it is essential for scaling up the green tech in Europe by advocating for the use of renewable energy and a sustainable production of raw materials for eMobility. Promoting skills and innovation on the importance of decarbonization and sustainable mobility, while incentivizing eco-friendly choices, is crucial for promoting a sustainable transportation. Speakers Oliver Fernández Electric Mobility Director Repsol Isabel García Muñoz Member of the European Parliament Benjamin Krieger Secretary General CLEPA - European Association of Automotive Suppliers Moderators Roman Stiftner Director General EUMICON AISBL Brussels