Back to agenda Energy & Batteries Forum Bidirectional Charging (Vehicle to Grid-V2G), current status and challenges Tue 13 Feb | 16:25 - 17:00 Auditorium REPSOL Premium VIP Pass This session examines the current status of bidirectional charging from both technical and commercial perspectives, addressing its main applications, barriers, and benefits: Bidirectional charging (V2G) allows electric vehicles not only to consume energy from the electrical grid but also to become potential vectors for low-cost renewable energy storage, and subsequently assist the electrical grid by providing energy when needed. They can also support the grid without a connected vehicle, and save money for owners by selling stored energy or reducing the power consumed from the grid. This panel will discuss the current state of the art of V2G chargers, and what the main challenges are that need to be addressed to achieve their full implementation. Speakers Pedro Domingo Rodríguez Comercial Flotas Zunder Pere Sòria Business Development Technical Manager CIRCUTOR Maria Gabriela Cañete Cardona Market Development Manager CIRCE Technology center Josep M. Serra Head of Sales Floox Moderators Manuel Alcázar Ortega Deputy Director of the Department of Electrical Engineering Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ingeniería Energética de la UPV